Where To Buy Tickets For Tops Shows, Attractions, Tours, and Hotels In Las Vegas+ My Review Beatles “Love” by Cirque du Soleil

Love Theatre at The Mirage Hotel and Casino Las Vegas has an amazing tribute show “The Beatles LOVE”. Cirque du Soleil shows the audience their interpretation of The Beatles legacy. I believe the show is a wonderful tribute to The Beatles. 

As the cast danced and performed jaw dropping acrobats in the air we sang along classic songs such as   “Revolution”, “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”,  and “I Want To Hold Your Hand”. Twist & Shout was one of my favorite parts of the show. The kid in me couldn’t resist the excitement of seeing the Sugar Plum Fairy brings rhythm to the stage, infecting everyone with the spirit of joy as we danced like crazy in our seats.


I truly enjoyed the 360 seating and the HD projections. The cast costumes were extravagant and easy to capture a glimpse of as they performed to the soulful music. Sir George did a great job developing a masterful tapestry of music which truly gives the show so life. The LOVE theater features 32 digital projectors that are used in the show. Everything is digital from source to screen, making very large high definition digital 100’ wide panoramic images. Video images on two walls above the audience on two sides of the auditorium emphasize elements of the show and provide transitions. High-definition projectors also create enormous images (designed by Francis Laporte) on four translucent screens that can be unfurled to divide the auditorium. The technical geek me was simply amazed and my gosh thrilled as the show left me in complete bliss.

For tickets I recommend Best of Vegas. Best of Vegas offers the best ticket prices for live show, attractions, tours, and hotels in Las Vegas. I love how easy it is to use the site. You can also read some of the latest entertainment news and learn about what’s hot in Las Vegas. Not sure what you want to do visit the guide section for tips and recommendations. 


7:00pm & 9:30pm Thursday – Monday

Tuesday – Wednesday

Must be age 5 or older.

90 minutes

FUN FACTS (Click for larger view)


All photo’s are the property of Cirque du Soleil the review of the show is simply my opinion.

28 thoughts on “Where To Buy Tickets For Tops Shows, Attractions, Tours, and Hotels In Las Vegas+ My Review Beatles “Love” by Cirque du Soleil

  1. I have never seen Cirque du Soleil live, but I have friends that did and they told me that the performance is simply amazing. I see you agree to that too 🙂


  2. OMg I had no idea they had a Beatles version of Cirque De Soleil! I guess if they have an MJ one they can do this too so cool. I still never been to any type of Cirque De Soleil!


  3. Now that sounds like a show I’d love to see. I’ve seen Cirque du Soleil in the past and they are fantastic! 🙂


  4. sadly i’ve never seen any of the Cirque de Soleil shows – but i do remember the Beatles growing up, that’s for sure 😀


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